The bench affectionately named “The Nest” was installed in Cliveden of the National Trust for Mt. Airy CDC. working closely with KSS Architects, Watchdog, interpret Green and Playful Learning Landscapes.

Developing construction methods and building prototypes taught us SO MUCH but didn’t fully prepare the studio of the amount of work this build took. The sheer number of parts and the total weight of the bench created problems of their own.

We decided to pre construct a series of fir frames using floating tenon joints, they were sanded and finished with linseed oil, then strung together with tapered back ribs on stainless 3/8” threaded rod. Custom 1/2 HDPE spacers were made for front edge of the bench which also features signage and an animal silhouette I spy game. A little free library and human crank powered sound story device are also integrated into this installation!


The Learning Tree


Get A Gato (Cat Cafe)